Articulating Papers with Progressive Colour Transfer 200 microns
- Progressive colour transfer highlights pressure distribution through colour intensity
- Lighter bites produce lighter marks
- Harder bites produce darker marks
- Allows dentists to quickly and accurately observe pressure distribution
- High spots become visible immediately for easy adjustment
- Suitable for detecting existing masticatory pressure interference
- For fine-tuning, use thinner test products like Arti-fol after locating problem areas
- For creating marks on surface of restoration or prosthetics interfering with correct occlusion
- BK01 – Blue Plastic Dispenser, 300 strips
- BK02 – Red Plastic Dispenser, 300 strips
- BK1001 – Blue Refill for BK01, 300 strips
- BK1002 – Red Refill for BK02, 300 strips
- BK05 – Blue Booklets, 300 strips
- BK03 – Blue Horseshoe-Shape, 50 strips
- BK04 – Red Horseshoe-Shape, 50 strips